sequenceDiagram participant Client participant PostController participant JPAPostService participant PostRepository participant Database Client->>PostController: POST /api/posts/users/{user_name} PostController->>JPAPostService: createPost(postRequest, userName) JPAPostService->>PostRepository: existsByTitleIgnoreCase(title) PostRepository->>Database: SELECT EXISTS(...) Database-->>PostRepository: result PostRepository-->>JPAPostService: boolean alt Post exists JPAPostService-->>PostController: throw PostAlreadyExistsException PostController-->>Client: 409 Conflict else Post doesn't exist JPAPostService->>PostRepository: save(post) PostRepository->>Database: INSERT Database-->>PostRepository: saved post PostRepository-->>JPAPostService: Post JPAPostService-->>PostController: void PostController-->>Client: 201 Created end
Post Retrieval Flow (JOOQ)
sequenceDiagram participant Client participant PostController participant JooqPostService participant DSLContext participant Database Client->>PostController: GET /api/posts/users/{user_name}/{title} PostController->>JooqPostService: fetchPostByUserNameAndTitle(userName, title) JooqPostService->>DSLContext: select(...).from(POSTS) DSLContext->>Database: SELECT with JOINs Database-->>DSLContext: Result alt Post found DSLContext-->>JooqPostService: Records JooqPostService-->>PostController: PostResponse PostController-->>Client: 200 OK with PostResponse else Post not found JooqPostService-->>PostController: throw PostNotFoundException PostController-->>Client: 404 Not Found end
Validation Rules
Post title: Required, max 255 characters
Post content: Required, max 10000 characters
Comment title: Required, max 255 characters
Comment review: Required, max 10000 characters
Tag name: Required, 1-50 characters, alphanumeric with hyphens and underscores
Tag description: Optional, max 200 characters
Format code
This project uses Spotless to maintain consistent code formatting. Run the following command to format all files:
Run tests
Run locally
Ensure you have Docker and Maven installed. Then:
Start the required PostgreSQL database:
Run the application with the local profile (uses local database):
Testcontainers provides isolated, throwaway instances of the PostgreSQL database for testing. This allows you to run the application without setting up a local database.
There are two ways to run the application with Testcontainers:
You can run from your IDE directly. Alternatively, use Maven:
Useful Links
Swagger UI - API documentation and testing interface